Saturday, February 14, 2009

rihanna after beating

R&B Singer Chris Brown assaulted Rihanna and he more or less beat the crap out of her. "Rihanna s injure" was so serious she needed treatment from a medical facility. Crish brown beat her with his fists rhianna claimed and she stated that he didn’t use a physical object (like a hammer) and also, there was serious biting marks stating that chris brown bit rihanna. After the battery he left her on the street and took of after the people of the neighbourhood called the police from rihanas screaming as he punched her in the face and bit her arm. If I got it right, it all went down after the party Adelaide. After the "rihanna beating", there seems to be a lot of buzze about the hole thing, ive been snooping around for "pictures of rihanna after beating" feedback to the media from rihanna after chris brown beat her and rihanna hospital photos. I also did some digging around for feedback from chris brown fans. Apparently, there are lots if people who defend him, he’s fans doesn’t want him to look like this type of man, the state that hes a sweet person etc.

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